The Midheaven (MC) and 10th house show a person’s public image in the birth chart, so this house is always the first place I look when I’m reading a chart for fame. Here are the top placements for fame in the birth chart! The MC and 10th House More of these of course mean that you’re more likely to get that fame, but you’ll need to look at the birth chart as a whole to see a clear picture. Regardless of the type of fame, there are a few main placements that indicate fame. You can find internet fame, scandal fame, and even negative fame as a criminal or other adverse position in the birth chart. We all picture blockbuster movie stars, but fame in the birth chart can refer to so many things. I completely understand the first 3 topics, but fame is always a funny one to get when percentage wise, so few people will be famous in this world. The top questions I get when I’m reading someone’s birth chart are about love, marriage, money, and fame.